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Ep. 11 | How To Make Your First Basic Green Smoothie (…and Actually Enjoy It) Sep 19, 2023

Are you on a diet rich in meat-and-processed foods but want to ‘dip your toe’ in the sea of plant-based eating to try it? The problem is, you’ve always relied on store bought smoothies, and have never eaten or cooked much with veggies. Even the thought of making a smoothie at...

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Ep. 10 | What to REALLY Expect When You Are Plant-Based Eating Sep 12, 2023

Sometimes, if you don’t know what to expect or what’s ahead, it can be harder to make a change or even take that FIRST step forward. If that’s how you’re feeling, you’re definitely not alone.  It’s natural to feel this way and have the ‘fear of the...

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Ep. 9 | Top 7 Plant-Based Foods To Nourish Your Body With (+ What Foods To Stay Away From) Sep 06, 2023

Hi Friend, have you been eating what you ‘thought’ was a pretty healthy diet, only to get the news from your doctor that you now have diabetes and sky-high cholesterol levels? As if that’s not enough, you’re now labeled as ‘HIGH RISK’ for heart problems and...

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Ep. 8 | How Plant-Based Eating Dropped Her Cholesterol and Transformed Her Mental Health: Interview With Sandra (Part 2) Aug 29, 2023

Do you have high cholesterol and struggle with anxiety about getting heart attacks, heart disease, or of being put on medication? If so, learn how a whole food plant-based diet and regular exercise can make a BIG difference to one’s health…for some within as little as 6 months, like...

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Ep. 7 | How She Reversed Diabetes With a Whole Food Plant-Based Diet: Interview With Sandra (Part 1) Aug 22, 2023

Do you feel weighed down and burdened by constant medications and anxiety around your medical diagnoses? Are you wondering if there is any natural holistic way to drop your blood sugar levels to normal, lift your depression, help you drop pounds, as well as improve your energy levels and...

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Ep. 6 | The FIRST 3 Success Steps to Beginning a Plant-Based Diet to Save You Time Energy and Money (and It’s NOT Grocery Shopping!) Aug 15, 2023

What’s the first thing you need to do if you want to start plant-based eating? Get ready to be surprised…because, it’s not what you think! Maybe your first thought is, “I need to go to the grocery store and grab lots of fruits and vegetables, pantry items, spices and...

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