Ep. 95 | Can Plant-Based Diets Make Inflammation and Pain Levels Better?

podcast episodes Mar 11, 2025
inflammation, pain levels, plant based

Inflammation and pain. I think many of us deal with this on some level. But for some, it can be especially excruciating and debilitating, impacting many activities of daily living. And inflammation and pain often seem to go together, don’t they? Maybe that’s what you’re dealing with now, and why you’re exploring plant-based eating to see if it can help. So, can making a radical lifestyle shift from meats to plants really benefit our bodies in these areas?

That’s what we’re going to look at today. In this episode, we’ll see what some of the recent research is finding about plant-based eating and inflammation, and whether there can be improvement in pain levels too. If this is what you’ve been struggling with or know a loved one or friend battling with it, don’t miss this episode. Let’s dive in!

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Episode Highlights & Key Timestamps:

  • [1:55] Two kinds of Inflammation and pain
  • [3:56] What systemic inflammation means
  • [4:34] Findings from a 2023 study by Yoko Wang and colleagues
  • [5:28] Why the kind of plant-based diet you are on matters
  • [6:29] A systematic review of 29 studies on associations between inflammation and dietary patterns
  • [7:02] Some reasons why a whole food plant-based diet may help inflammation
  • [7:32] The impact of plant-based diets on pain levels
  • [10:16] How you can get support in your transition to a plant-powered lifestyle

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Free Resource -> Quick Start Grocery Guide for Plant-Based Essentials: www.plantnourished.com/groceryguide 


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