Ep. 91 | Weight Loss and Tips for Staying Plant-Based With a Busy Life - Interview With Susan [Part 2]

podcast episodes Feb 11, 2025
weight loss, busy lifestyle, guest interview

What will it really take to improve one’s cholesterol, blood pressure and triglycerides? Have you wondered this? Well, that’s what my guest Susan wondered, after striving to maintain ‘healthy’ eating habits and staying active for most of her life. But her cholesterol eventually rose to 302 and her triglycerides skyrocketed, leaving her feeling discouraged and defeated. 

As a last resort, she turned to plant-based eating, with remarkable results that even astonished her doctor. In this Guest Interview part 2 with Susan, find out what her blood work and weight was like after a year of plant-based eating and her doctor’s reaction. You’ll also glean valuable tips and meal ideas for how to stay plant-based despite a busy life, as Susan is a realtor with a demanding schedule. I know you’ll leave this interview with motivation and inspiration for your own plant-based diet journey through her experience!

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Episode Highlights & Key Timestamps:

  • [1:36] What Susan’s eating and lifestyle was previously like 
  • [3:55] How Susan’s blood work had changed…within 3 weeks!
  • [5:29] What started happening to Susan’s weight as she started a whole food plant-based diet
  • [6:48] The impact of a plant-based diet on her husband’s diabetes
  • [7:59] Her doctor’s reaction and her bloodwork after a year of eating plant-based 
  • [12:53] What Susan’s meals are like over the course of a day
  • [15:59] Whether eating plant-based has been more expensive for Susan than a regular diet
  • [17:46] A key tip or takeaway Susan gives to listeners
  • [20:26] How you can get more guidance and support for your plant-based diet transition

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Next Steps:

Contact -> [email protected] 

Learn -> www.plantnourished.com 

Join -> Plant-Powered Life Transformation Course: www.plantnourished.com/ppltcourse 

Connect in the Facebook Community -> www.bit.ly/pbdietsuccess

Apply -> Free Rapid Health Transformation Call: https://bit.ly/plantnourished

Free Resource -> Quick Start Grocery Guide for Plant-Based Essentials: www.plantnourished.com/groceryguide 

Read Transcript Here 


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