Ep. 75 | How to Save Money When Buying Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (So You Can Get More for Less!)
Nov 05, 2024
Do you want to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables because you know it’ll benefit your health, but struggle with the cost? Food prices in general seem to be rising, for both animal-based foods and fresh produce. So what do you do? Skip the produce section and just rely on canned fruits and vegetables instead?
You don’t need to. If you’re listening right now and are facing financial difficulties, I want to help. In this episode, I’ll show you 3 effective ways to save precious dollars when shopping for fresh produce, so you can stay plant-based eating on a tight budget. These money-saving strategies will enable you to continue a healthful plant-based diet, so you can thrive long-term in this new lifestyle to transform your health. So if you’re ready to build up your health AND keep money in your pocket, listen in!
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Episode Highlights & Key Timestamps:
- [1:46] How the PPLT Course can help you stay plant-based eating on a budget
- [2:54] Do you face these challenges in adding fruits and vegetables to meals?
- [4:02] Strategy #1: Pick Right
- [5:41] Strategy #2: Choose Less Mechanically Processed
- [6:45] Example: Price comparisons of packaged carrots in different forms
- [8:03] Strategy #3: Check the Unit Price
- [8:45] Why you need to look at store promotions closely
- [10:49] An action step you can take
- [11:08] Where to go to learn more about the PPLT Course
Next Steps:
Contact -> [email protected]
Learn -> www.plantnourished.com
Join -> Plant-Powered Life Transformation Course: www.plantnourished.com/ppltcourse
Connect in the Facebook Community -> www.bit.ly/pbdietsuccess
Apply -> Free Rapid Health Transformation Call: https://bit.ly/plantnourished
Free Resource -> Quick Start Grocery Guide for Plant-Based Essentials: www.plantnourished.com/groceryguide
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