Ep. 7 | How She Reversed Diabetes With a Whole Food Plant-Based Diet: Interview With Sandra (Part 1)
Aug 22, 2023
Do you feel weighed down and burdened by constant medications and anxiety around your medical diagnoses? Are you wondering if there is any natural holistic way to drop your blood sugar levels to normal, lift your depression, help you drop pounds, as well as improve your energy levels and mood?
Yes, there IS a way and it is simpler than you think! By focusing on eating high quality nourishing natural whole plant-based foods and moving more, your health can improve dramatically. Listen in to part 1 of my interview with a special guest, Sandra Y., to learn more!
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Told initially by her doctor and other health professionals that she would need to live with diabetes for life and that there was no cure, Sandra (after a bout of further depression over her new diagnosis) decided to do her own research and came across plant-based eating. What she didn’t expect though, was the amazing healing journey she found herself on when she made the change to a plant-powered lifestyle. This was one that not only improved her diabetes, but caused her to drop nearly 50 pounds, lift her depression and more…all within 6 months of switching to a whole food plant-based diet!
When I listened and interviewed Sandra, I was touched beyond words, not just by her moving and inspirational story, by also by her passion and conviction in this new lifestyle she has embraced. I am struck by just how ONE decision point or pivot in lifestyle and eating habits can make SUCH a difference in one’s life. I hope you will be touched and inspired by the sharing she gives on this episode as well!
Episode Highlights & Key Timestamps:
- [4:00] What Sandra’s diet and lifestyle was like initially
- [5:23] What led her to go for a doctor check-up
- [7:34] Her reaction to her new diagnosis of diabetes
- [10:00] Her initial blood work levels
- [12:30] The turning point and what caused it
- [20:08] The importance of mindset
- [24:00] The amazing news she got at her January doctor’s appointment
- [26:30] Changes in her weight, mood, attitude, energy and more!
Next Steps:
Contact -> [email protected]
Learn -> www.plantnourished.com
Grow -> Plant-Powered Life Transformation Course: www.plantnourished.com/ppltcourse
Join the FB Community -> www.bit.ly/pbdietsuccess
Apply -> Free Rapid Health Transformation Call: https://bit.ly/plantnourished
Free Resource -> Quick Start Grocery Guide for Plant-Based Essentials: www.plantnourished.com/groceryguide
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