Ep. 65 | The Two Biggest Benefits of Eating Plant-Based for Weight Loss
Sep 03, 2024
Do you struggle with your weight? The pounds seem to have crept on relentlessly over the years and now you’re 30 pounds overweight. How did that happen? Probably through factors like stress, life events, lifestyle, exercise and eating habits…just to name a few. The problem is: you’ve ALREADY tried different ways to shed the pounds and get back to your goal weight. But none of them really worked. So now what do you do?
If you’re tired of doing all the yo-yo dieting, calorie counting, super restrictive portions, fad diets and endless tracking of macros, listen in. In this episode, I want to tell you about plant-based eating, and why it can help you lose unwanted pounds, without even being a diet. In fact, it may be the most unrestricted ‘diet’ you’ll ever be on. How? Let me explain. Grab your ear buds and listen in!
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Episode Highlights & Key Timestamps:
- [1:49] Having a hard time with your diet transition? Listen here
- [3:18] The problem with yo-yo dieting
- [4:31] Why we are so sucked into fad diets and dieting
- [6:06] What a whole food plant-based diet lifestyle is
- [7:06] The first biggest benefit of eating plant-based: it is so much less restrictive
- [10:13] The many advantages of plant-based eating
- [11:22] Second biggest benefit I see from plant-based eating
- [13:34] An action step you can take
- [14:29] How to connect with Anna for more support
Next Steps:
Contact -> [email protected]
Learn -> www.plantnourished.com
Join -> Plant-Powered Life Transformation Course: www.plantnourished.com/ppltcourse
Connect in the Facebook Community -> www.bit.ly/pbdietsuccess
Apply -> Free Rapid Health Transformation Call: https://bit.ly/plantnourished
Free Resource -> Quick Start Grocery Guide for Plant-Based Essentials: www.plantnourished.com/groceryguide
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