Ep. 27 | 4 Key Essentials to Building a Plant-Based Diet Lifestyle You’ll LOVE – Part 1
Jan 04, 2024
Ever started something like a new habit or exercise routine…only to fall back into old ways a few weeks to months later? Then somehow it seems harder to get back into that same habit or routine the second time round. Ever had an experience like this? If you have, you’ll know how super frustrating and defeating this can be. Not only that, having to ‘re-do’ something always takes unnecessary time, effort and energy.
Well, if you’re ready to begin a plant-based diet, and want to do it RIGHT the first time, so you can avoid having to ‘redo’ your transition in the future, listen to this episode. We’re going to ‘zero in’ on the first two KEY ESSENTIALS you’ll need to equip yourself with, so you can TRULY start building the plant-powered life you’ll love. Grab your favorite warm cup of tea or coffee and let’s dive in to this second part of the Plant-Based Diet Success Series!
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Episode Highlights & Key Timestamps:
- [2:05] Learn about the Plant-Powered Life Transformation Course Bundle
- [6:07] Two key reasons why many aren’t able to stay on the path of plant-based eating
- [6:54] Recap of the Plant-Based Diet Success Series so far
- [8:04] Key Essential #1: Mindset Building
- [11:26] Key Essential #2: Foundation Setting
- [13:45] An action step you can take
- [14:20] How your diet transition can be enjoyable, doable and simple
Looking for MORE clear guidance and practical strategies to help you make a diet change? Then grab this PPLT Course Bundle with the 2 additional Fast Action Bonuses…before they expire!
Go to => www.plantnourished.com/ppltcourse
Enroll by Jan 26, 2024 and get these 2 Exclusive BONUS RESOURCES with the online Plant-Powered Life Transformation Course:
- A Month-Long Plant-Powered Meal Plan (get 4 weeks of easy plant-based meals to enjoy for breakfast, lunch and dinner)
- A Plant-Based Meal Prep Recipe Guidebook (with top meal planning tips, a plant-based ingredient substitutions list + easy bulk meal prep and freezer-friendly plant-based recipes to make and enjoy!)
AND if you enroll by 11:59pm EST on January 12, 2024 you’ll also get these 2 Extra-Value FAST ACTION Bonuses to make your diet transition an even greater success:
- A 30-Min Private Transition Success 1:1 Coaching Session
- A Bonus Training Masterclass “What About the Cheese? Non-Dairy Alternatives and More”
Don’t miss this chance to enjoy over $300 worth in bonuses with your Course enrollment and get the support you need to truly transform your health 2024! Get More Details & Enroll Here => www.plantnourished.com/ppltcourse
Next Steps:
Join -> Plant-Powered Life Transformation Course: www.plantnourished.com/ppltcourse
Contact -> [email protected]
Learn -> www.plantnourished.com
Connect in the Facebook Community -> www.bit.ly/pbdietsuccess
Apply -> Free Rapid Health Transformation Call: https://bit.ly/plantnourished
Free Resource -> Quick Start Grocery Guide for Plant-Based Essentials: www.plantnourished.com/groceryguide
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